Company research

Learning from past success and failures

I try to buy what I believe to be undervalued business, and wait for the market to also recognize this. Here are a quick write up of what I found to be successful and not so good decisions. After reviewing the stocks I earned the most from, I see they all share similar characteristics. Here… Continue reading Learning from past success and failures


Kort om preferanseaksjer og PPG-PREF

Hva er en preferanseaksje? Kort fortalt, så er det en aksje med fortrinnsrett til utbytte. Eiere har rett på utbytte før andre aksjeklasser, men etter obligasjonseiere og lånegivere har fått sitt. Preferanseaksjer kommer med en fastsatt innløsningskurs, og fastsatt utbyttenivå. Som oftest så er det begrensninger på stemmerettigheter. De klassifiseres som egenkapital, men oppfører seg… Continue reading Kort om preferanseaksjer og PPG-PREF

Macro · News

The case for oil – an update

This is a follow up to my earlier post: In order to invest in something, you got to understand it fully. This is not a comprehensive post, but rather some thoughts and information that you may not have considered about oil. So why is oil so great in the first place? It is of… Continue reading The case for oil – an update

News · Portfolio

Navigating the bear market – recent buys and sells

First of all, I think even with the recent drawdowns, the market may fall much more. As a reminder, have a look at the “Buffet indicator”: And the USD in circulation: Currently we have a lot of headwinds. Increasing interrest rates, inflation, supply chain disruptions, energy shortages, and so on. But this also creates some… Continue reading Navigating the bear market – recent buys and sells